What is happening at Southwick Sports Centre is appalling. It is supposed to be for sport, isn't it?

For about 15 years the centre has held a Sunday morning badminton session, with a qualified coach, which has been open to beginners and experienced players, including future champions.

During the winter months this session has been very well attended and any empty courts have been occupied by casual players.

But I have just been informed that, from the end of this month, this will cease in favour of an indoor car boot fair.

Surely boot fairs should be in car parks, fields and playgrounds, not sports halls.

Come on, Adur, don't let this happen. Where is your encouragement for young sportsmen and women of today?

Is it on a table with a lot of suspect goods from second-hand dealers?

Can anything be done to prevent this from happening?

-Len Saunders, Sompting