With regard to the feature on lesbian kisses (The Argus, August 30). My views on lesbians in the media vary from good representations to bad ones.

I thought Tipping The Velvet (BBC2) was very good as it portrayed the love lives of 19th-Century lesbians in detail and was a very good interpretation of the book by Sarah Waters.

I remember there being lots of public disgust at the BBC showing these episodes but there were also a lot of compliments about it.

However, I think a lot of people at the moment think it's "cool" to be gay and so two girls kissing isn't taken seriously.

Tatu, for example - those teenage girls were ridiculed and when we found out they weren't lesbian but bisexual, this got even more men hooked on them as they thought they had a chance!

A lot of advertising on TV that has two women doing things they wouldn't do if they were just mates sells products as men enjoy the idea (for some strange reason) of two women getting it on.

On the whole, I think it's great that more lesbianism is being shown in the media - as with Bad Girls on ITV, for example. That was the main reason I watched it.

Gay people are fed up with watching lots of straight people on the TV. It is very refreshing to see two women snogging (and the rest).

This is so, however, only if there is a bit of meaning behind the showing of lesbians on TV and it is not purely a publicity stunt.

-Laura Stander, Brighton University LGBT Society