I find it strange that on the one hand The Argus criticises Sussex Police for taking six hours to send an officer to a burglary but on the other champions the pointless policy of having a solitary police officer standing at the Clock Tower in Brighton (The Argus, August 30).

Why not make it fair to everyone who shops in Sussex and have one on every street corner in every town?

Why should those persons wishing to shop within 50 yards of the Clock Tower in Brighton be treated to their own personal police officer?

There are only so many officers to go round and for every officer standing about providing "public reassurance" there is another victim sat at home waiting to report a distressing incident or another emergency waiting to be attended.

The Clock Tower and its environs are already covered by CCTV.

It's about time your paper started reporting the good things the police service does for the community instead of your usual overinflation of those few things it gets wrong.

-JR Austin, Shoreham