Police said today they were growing increasingly worried about a missing 15-year-old Sussex boy.

Adam Sherlock disappeared from his home in Billinghurst yesterday morning and has not been seen since.

Adam's parents say his disappearance is completely out of character and he has never gone missing before.

It is understood he was staying with friends in the area on Friday and Saturday night and returned home on Sunday morning.

At about 9.30am he told his parents he was going for a walk.

When he did not return after three hours and failed to turn up for his part-time job his parents contacted the police.

Adam, of Daux Avenue, Billinghurst, is about 5ft 10in and thin. He has brown eyes and light brown hair with blond flashes. He was wearing green combat trousers and a blue or grey hooded jumper.

A police spokesman said: "We are growing concerned about his whereabouts.

"We would like him to contact either the police or his family to reassure us that he is not in any trouble.

"We would like to hear from anyone who may have seen him in the area and knows where he may be staying."

Adam was carrying a black rucksack and may have had his passport with him. Anyone with information should contact Sussex Police on 0845 6070999.

Two young boys sparked a 24-hour police search when they caught a train and vanished.

Jordan McGuire, ten, and Steven Prosper, nine, disappeared from the Farley Bank area of Hastings on Saturday at 2.30pm.

The pair were discovered in Lewes at lunchtime yesterday.