A private care home in Eastbourne has been shut down and its seven elderly residents moved out while police conduct a criminal investigation.

Sussex Police's adult protection team was alerted after concerns were raised over standards of care at the Kiamah Rest Home in Nevill Avenue, Hampden Park, Eastbourne.

East Sussex County Council's social services department and care home watchdog the National Care Standards Commission (NCSC) are also part of the investigation.

An NCSC spokesman said all seven residents had been moved into alternative accommodation by social services.

He said: "A multi-agency investigation has been launched, led by the police, so we cannot disclose the allegations being made."

A police spokesman said: "We're looking into allegations of possible criminal offences but at this stage of the inquiry it is too early to say more."

The owner, who refused to be named, denied any mistreatment of residents.

He said: "I have no idea what allegations have been made. I am totally in the dark and cannot understand why this has all happened."