When barber Daniel Lindeman hears the word "cut" it normally has nothing to do with someone's new hairstyle.

This is because the man who has taken over The Barber Shop in Portland Road, Hove, moonlights as an actor, appearing alongside stars like Pierce Brosnan and Tom Hanks.

The 33-year-old has even been directed by film-making legend Steven Spielberg.

His bizarre dual career began nine years ago after he left the Army and found work as a bodyguard, a job that quickly had him rubbing shoulders with celebrities.

Essex-born Daniel said: "I did private work but also looked after people like Grace Jones, Boyzone and the England football team.

"I met up with the cast of Soldier Soldier and asked if I could become an extra.

"After a successful audition I spent two-and-a-half months working on the second series."

The popular military drama was perfect for the ex-squaddie and he fell in love with acting.

He auditioned for Tomorrow Never Dies and a role as Tom Cruise's bodyguard in Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut.

Daniel said: "I was delighted to get the part as it was an opportunity to meet Pierce Brosnan and see all the gadgets."

Daniel's role as a villain landed him with some stunt work - which came in handy with his next job as an extra in the smash hit Saving Private Ryan.

He has worked on TV adverts and programmes and landed a speaking part in The Bill.

But acting did not offer enough security so he decided to pursue another dream.

Daniel said: "I had always wanted to be a barber since I was 14."

After training in his home town of Southend, he worked on the Spanish island of Gran Canaria before deciding to move to Sussex in February.

He would now love to work on ITV's SAS drama Ultimate Force.