The blighted York Place area of Brighton city centre will be renovated after approval was given to a redevelopment scheme.

Brighton and Hove planners unanimously backed a scheme by Park Avenue Estates to transform semi-derelict properties at York Place, opposite St Peter's Church.

The plan involves renovating and extending the frontage to provide three shops and a cafe bar.

Above and behind them would be 44 flats, 30 per cent of them affordable.

Labour councillor Francis Tonks told the planning committee: "This has been derelict for years.

"It is not good enough to have it on what is the gateway to Brighton. I welcome the application."

Tory councillor Geoff Wells said: "The redevelopment of this eyesore is long overdue.

"The existing buildings are covered with graffiti and rubbish. They make this part of Brighton look dirty and they are on the main road out of the city."

Tory councillor Carol Theobald thought 44 flats was too many for the site.

Green councillor Sue Paskins asked why the percentage of affordable housing did not stand at 40 per cent.

She was told a higher percentage could affect the viability of the scheme.

Thursday June 12, 2003