Adur District Council's web site has been rated as the best performing local authority internet site in West Sussex and second best in the South-East.

The site was examined by testing company Sitemorse to see how it performed.

The company looked for faults and problems such as missing pages, broken links, download times and coding errors.

It is the second time this year Sitemorse has tested the UK's council web sites.

Using the error data it supplied, problems were found and rectified. Since the first test, the council has improved its rating from 54th to 28th out of 460 local authority web sites nation-wide.

Adur Council leader Neil Parkin said: "We are very pleased with our site and have received a lot of positive feedback about it. It contains useful and interesting information.

"Why not take a look for yourselves and see what you think?"

The site can be accessed at