I fal to understand the necessity for people to use a 4x4 motor vehicle.

After all, parents can take their offspring to school by motorised scooter.

I realise Tesco's goods are cheaper but surely it is not necessary to use a 4x4 to collect the three-for-the-price-of-two bargains.

These vehicles should qualify for a huge passenger vehicle (HPV) road tax to cover the extra wear and tear on the roads caused by the massive tyres used on their wheels.

Even the manufacturers of 4x4s advertise on television that the vehicles are more suitable for the vast expanse of a desert, where there is less chance of pedal cyclists, motorcyclists and drivers of Reliant cars being exterminated.

Heaven help us when the get-out-of-my-way brigade latch on to the availability of Army surplus armoured cars and tanks.

-Roy Hilliard, Brighton