In the present din of local politics and noisy politicians, let history speak for one quiet moment from 50 years ago.

In 1953, a Crawley newspaper reported that "out of an electorate of 2,407, 1,402 people voted - a massive 58.25 per cent".

In 2003, only 23 per cent did (77 per cent of Crawley's electorate did not vote). Why?

In 1953, the people (especially young people) looked forward to a better world, after two bloody world wars.

They believed their vote made a difference in making the world better. In 1953, the votes of the people (especially young people) did make a difference in making a better world.

In 2003, the people (especially young people) do not look forward to a better world after a bloody 20th Century.

They do not believe their vote makes a difference in making the world better. In 2003, the votes of the people (especially young people) does not make a difference in making a better world.

Who is responsible?

-Richard W Symonds, The Ifield Society, Lavington Close, Crawley