On behalf of the Brighton and Hove Amnesty International group, I thank all who took part in our weekly vigil during the course of the war in Iraq.

Every Friday evening at the War Memorial, up to 50 people turned up to light a candle as a gesture of peace and solidarity with those suffering human rights abuses as a result of the conflict.

Though we have ended the vigil following the end of the main conflict, the local Amnesty group is still campaigning for human rights monitors to be deployed in Iraq with immediate effect, as recommended last December by the UN General Assembly.

In a period of continued instability, human rights monitors would play a critical role in preventing human rights abuses and investigating abuses by all. They would provide real, visible proof that the human rights of the Iraqi people are at the centre of international concern. This must be resolved urgently if there is to be a positive impact for the people of Iraq.

For more information about the local group's campaigns, please email me on mishalaptop@hotmail.com

-Dave Clark, Amnesty International Brighton and Hove group, Belgrave Place, Brighton