Microphones will be swapped for power drills in the latest "idol" idea to hit the streets but this time it is only Girls Allowed.

Tool Idol 2003 is on the lookout for Brighton's sexiest builder's bum.

Tool specialist CK Tools is launching the hunt for trade babes after company bosses noticed a growth in female sparkies, plumbers, chippies, plasterers and builders.

A CK Tools spokesman said: "Women usually inspire wolf whistles from the building site but we're looking for those gorgeous girls that inspire wolf whistles on the building site."

The winner will get a free photoshoot as well as being kitted out in the top tools of her trade.

Entries can be from across all trades and entry forms are available from CK Tools stockists, by calling the CK Tools Tool Idol hotline on 0161 778 4725 or email toolidol@brazenpr.com The closing date for entries is May 31.