Train drivers are being accused of keeping people awake by tooting their horns as if they were new toys.

People living next to railway lines are growing increasingly angry at the level of noise from the horns on South Central's new trains.

Last month, children from the Seven Dials area of Brighton descended on Brighton station in their pyjamas to protest at the new noisier horns costing them their sleep.

Their parents, worried for their children's health, are considering going to the European courts after South Central said the volume of the horns was in keeping with safety regulations.

But a resident in Rustington, where residents are also suffering, believes much of the blame lies with the drivers.

Keen railway fan Colin Terry, 60, lives 30m from the track in Hamilton Close.

He said: "We have come to the conclusion that most of the noise is down to the drivers as they seem to take great delight in sounding off and trying to play a tune as if it were a new toy.

"It's only my personal opinion but I get the feeling they are taking the mickey.

"I know exactly where the whistle sign is where they are meant to blow their klaxons and they are operating them well past it. It's almost like they're having a competition amongst themselves to see who can play the best tune.

"If they used them the way they were meant to, it might not be as bad but they are just laying it on.

"I am not a grumpy old man who is anti-railway. It is ironic but I am a dedicated railway fan and it even played a part in my buying the house.

"My kitchen overlooks the railway and when I'm having my breakfast, I watch the trains go by - I even know where they're going to.

"I've three uncles who were engine drivers, have always had model railways and I've a cupboard full of railway videos. Some might call me an anorak.

"But these new trains are depriving us of sleep, making the children living nearby jump and not wanting to go to bed, frightening all the pets and generally being a complete nuisance.

"I've even heard railwaymen say they're out of order."

Residents living near the Rustington line plan to petition South Central to turn down the volume.

Mr Terry said: "I would have thought in this day and age they could tone the noise down to acceptable levels.

"South West Trains have similar klaxons but they are nowhere near as loud.

"It is a shame they are like this because with everything else - ride, comfort, lack of general noise - they have got it just right."

A South Central spokesman said: "Train drivers have a procedure to follow. They use the horns as and when necessary."