When Pool Valley Coach Park was abruptly shut in January, it seemed it would become another blot on Brighton and Hove's seafront.

Rundown and vandalised, the coach station had suffered years of neglect. It was small wonder it was making a loss and had to close.

Now, the future of Pool Valley seems bright. Shoreham-based Heritage Travel will work in partnership with Brighton and Hove City Council to revamp the prime seafront venue.

With new toilets, better lighting, CCTV cameras and cycle hire, the coach park looks set to become a favourite among travellers once again.

First impressions are everything and if the city is to excel as a tourist destination, it is vital visitors arrive at a welcoming, friendly coach station.

Few places can boast Brighton and Hove's unique mix of culture, vibrancy and natural beauty.

The seafront epitomises these qualities and it is crucial sites such as these are not left to rot.

Only then will the city become worth selling in the shop window of the world.