A man who broke into a house to steal antiques told a court he was tricked into believing he was taking part in an insurance scam.

Christopher Weyman, 51, of Ring Road, Lancing, was yesterday jailed for two years at Lewes Crown Court after he admitted a charge of burglary.

The court heard Weyman, a father of three, was caught on security camera stealing from the house in Middle Street, Shoreham, in February 2001. Two tables and a stool, together worth £800, were stolen.

Jonathan Edwards, prosecuting, said the large detached house had been the target of thieves before and the owner had installed security devices, including the camera which took the image of Weyman.

On the night of the burglary, the elderly owner and his son were watching TV. During the evening the son left the room and as he passed through the hallway he realised a table was missing. He looked into the driveway and saw a man standing by a van.

The thieves had gained entry through French doors leading to the garden.

Weyman, who has previous convictions for dishonesty, was arrested three days later and the stolen furniture recovered.

Julian Dale, defending, said Weyman had been tricked by a man called Terry into believing the owner of the house had arranged the burglary to make a false claim.

He said Weyman had met Terry at the Snipe Inn, in Carden Avenue, Brighton. Terry told him the house would be empty, the French doors unlocked, which they were, and was told what to steal. The police have been unable to trace Terry.

Weyman had committed the offence because he was out of work at the time following a serious road accident which left him badly injured and he is still receiving treatment.