Sussex are pitching in with one of the country's top baseball teams to improve their fielding skills ahead of the new cricket season.

The county have teamed up with Brighton Buccaneers' head coach Craig Savage who will provide help with throwing and catching throughout the summer.

Savage had his first session with the squad earlier this week and was impressed with what he saw.

He said: "I was approached by (coach) Peter Moores who wants to make the players more accountable for their fielding.

"Primarily that will involve throwing technique and accuracy and footwork, but there are a lot of crossover areas between the two sports.

"The good thing is from my point of view is that there are no barriers. I don't know the guys and I don't really follow cricket which means I can challenge some of the opinions the players have always had about fielding skills and hopefully improve them."

Several of the Sussex squad have already caught Savage's eye including, surprisingly perhaps, Richard Montgomerie who spends most of the season fielding at slip.

Savage added: "Richard feels he can throw accurately but in a game situation he holds back which means it's a confidence issue.

"There's no point in having a laser-guided throw if you're winging it 50 yards over the target which is where I come in."

Sussex play their opening pre-season friendly against Kent at Hove on Thursday (11am).