Tony Blair became Prime Minister because he represented a new style of Labour Party (an electable party).

Many voters voted Labour in 1997 because, for the first time in years, it stood for what people wanted, a modern dependable government that believed in society and community.

Had it not been for Blair, we could have had a Conservative government for the past six years.

Imagine... crumbling schools, neglected buildings, dangerous play equipment and a virtually non-existent NHS due to serious underfunding.

We have a lot to thank Blair for so, to all you Labour voters who are unhappy with him, remind yourself why you voted for him in the first place. Maybe it was because you trusted him to do his best.

Blair spends a lot of time analysing and understanding complex and constantly changing information and surely he is the person best placed to decide what should be done and when. What more can we ask of anybody, other than they do their best?

-N Murphy, Gladstone Road, Portslade