I would like to take up the challenge of Jean Mason (Letters, March 19) for Christians to write in on their feelings about the war against Iraq.

The Gospels make it perfectly clear there will rise up "false prophets" and "by their deeds you shall know them".

It doesn't require much intellectual exercise to realise that Bush and Blair personify the modern disciples of apostasy.

Two thousand years ago, Palestine suffered under a fascist dictatorship as cruel as that of Saddam Hussein.

God could have raised up a task force to rid the people of the Roman yoke. He chose instead to ride into Jerusalem on a donkey, universally recognised as a symbol of peace.

There are, of course, Christians who support war but if one reads the correspondence columns of any Christian newspaper, the contributions of the pro-war lobby are remarkably devoid of any reference to our Lord whatever.

I remember asking a high-ranking layman concerning the peace-war issue, "What would Jesus do?" My inquiry met with a contemptuous snort. "You can't keep bringing Jesus into this," I was told. Exactly.

-Alan Tullett, The Kiln, Burgess Hill