Peace protesters in Worthing have been condemned by former servicemen for urging people not to support British troops in Iraq.

A spokesman for campaign group Worthing against War dismissed any suggestion that people should back the troops once war was under way.

He added: "If something is wrong, it's wrong and that's all there is to it. Bush and Blair are acting like war criminals and it is our responsibility to do all we can to oppose their murderous policies."

Tom Wye, a retired Army major and president of Worthing Combined Ex-Services Association, insisted the protesters were wrong.

He said: "I am not gung-ho about it. I have got a lot of mates out there. The anti-war process should stop the minute the first round is fired.

"You have to respect their views but they are totally wrong. When the war starts the talking has to stop and the whole country should be behind the troops.

"They need our support. Otherwise, it affects troops' morale and bolsters the enemy."

The British forces include soldiers, sailors and airmen from Worthing, whose families are now anxiously waiting for news of their loved ones.

Worthing Against War is calling on people to meet outside the Guildbourne Centre in Worthing town centre at 6pm on the day war starts, bringing pots, pans and whistles.

The spokesman said: "All over the world, people will be voicing their anger if the bombs start falling, despite complete lack of reason for a war and massive global opposition.

"We invite anyone in Worthing who feels the same way to join us and make their anger heard."

About 40 protesters staged a candlelit vigil at the war memorial in Chapel Road, on Sunday evening This Saturday, Worthing anti-war campaigners will be attending one of two big national protests.

There will be a major demonstration in London, meeting at the Embankment at noon, and thousands of other people will be laying siege to the US air base at Fairford in Gloucestershire, where bombers will be taking off.

There will be an all-day anti-war event at the Friends Meeting House, Mill Road, Worthing, on March 29. On April 5, from 7pm to 11pm, a Rock Against War night will be held at The Vintner's Parrot in Warwick Street.

l Do you have a relative in the Gulf? Contact Paul Holden at 35 Chapel Road, Worthing BN11 1EG, or e-mail