In reply to Councillor Chris Morley and the Voice of The Argus (February 28), I would like to make the following points.

Brighton and Hove City Council has made only two very small concessions to the traders with regard to a Parking policy that still ignores fundamental issues raised by Traders Against Parking Persecution (Tapp) to the council.

Traders do not pay for any parking system imposed by the council. The residents of Brighton and Hove pay through a stealth-tax system.

If you agree parking controls are in force because there are too many vehicles competing for too few spaces in the city yet you drive into the city and park, carrying nothing heavier than a pen to work, then I say hang your head in shame if you were caught up in our protest rally this morning.

Traders require preferential treatment for parking because of the nature of our work, not because we deem ourselves more important than others, unlike our tormentors in the council.

-Lloyd Hampshire, Tapp committee, Brighton