Here are cinema listings for the coming week. Just find the film you want and see where it's showing.

ABOUT SCHMIDT (15) Chichester New Park.

ADAPTATION (15) Brighton Odeon.

ANALYZE THAT (15) Brighton Odeon, Brighton UGC, Eastbourne UGC, Hastings Odeon (Thurs only).

ANITA AND ME (12A) Hastings Odeon (Weds only).


THE CABINET OF DR CALIGARI (PG) Duke of York's (Fri only).

CATCH ME IF YOU CAN (12A) Brighton Odeon, Brighton UGC, Burgess Hill Orion, Chichester New Park, Eastbourne UGC, Hastings Odeon.

CHICAGO (12A) Bexhill-on-Sea Curzon, Brighton Odeon, Brighton UGC, Burgess Hill Orion, Eastbourne UGC, Littlehampton Windmill Centre.

DAREDEVIL (15) Bognor Picturedrome, Brighton Odeon, Brighton UGC, Burgess Hill Orion, Eastbourne UGC, Hastings Odeon.

DIE ANOTHER DAY (12A) Gardner Arts Centre (Wed only).

8 MILE (15) at Brighton Odeon.

EIGHT WOMEN (15) Gardner Arts Centre, Littlehampton Windmill Centre.

FINAL DESTINATION 2 (15) Brighton Odeon, Brighton UGC, Burgess Hill Orion, Eastbourne UGC, Hastings Odeon.

GLADIATOR (15) Gardner Arts Centre (Thurs only)

HARD BOILED (18) Duke of York's (Sat only)


HEY ARNOLD (U) UGC Brighton (Sat morn only).

THE HOURS (12A) Brighton Odeon, Brighton UGC, Eastbourne UGC.

ICE AGE (U) Brighton Duke of York's (Sat only).

JACKASS: THE MOVIE (18) Brighton Odeon, Brighton UGC, Hastings Odeon.

LES ENFANTS DU MARAIS (PG) Ditchling Village Hall (Thurs only).

LILO AND STITCH (U) Littlehampton Windmill Centre.

LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS (12A) Brighton UGC, Chichester New Park, Gardner Arts Centre.

THE MAGDALENE SISTERS (15) Brighton Duke of York's.

MAID IN MANHATTAN (PG) Brighton Odeon (Sat and Sun only), Brighton UGC (Sat and Sun only), Hastings Odeon (Sat and Sun only)

MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE (12A) Brighton Odeon (Thurs only)

MOUSE HUNT (PG) Brighton UGC, Eastbourne UGC (Sat only).

THE PIANIST (15) Bexhill Curzon Picture Playhouse, Chichester New Cinema.

POLLOCK (18) Hastings Odeon (Weds only).

POSSESSION (12) Gardner Arts Centre (Sun only)

PUNCH DRUNK LOVE (15) Brighton Odeon and Brighton UGC.

RABBIT PROOF FENCE (PG) Littlehampton Windmill Centre.

THE RING (15) Brighton Odeon, Brighton UGC, Eastbourne UGC and Hastings Odeon.

TREASURE PLANET (U) Bognor Picturedrome, Brighton Odeon (not Wed), Brighton UGC, Burgess Hill Orion, Eastbourne UGC, Hastings Odeon.

TWO WEEKS NOTICE (12A) Bognor Picturedrome, Brighton Odeon, Brighton UGC, Burgess Hill Orion, Eastbourne UGC, Hastings Odeon, Littlehampton Windmill Centre.

WILD STRAWBERRIES (PG) Chichester New Park (Sun only)

THE WILD THORNBERRY'S MOVIE (U) at Bognor Picturedrome, Brighton Odeon, Brighton UGC, Eastbourne UGC, Hastings Odeon.