Police chiefs in Sussex could be allowed to pay special constables for the first time in a bid to halt a recruitment crisis.

The move was announced by Home Office minister John Denham to coincide with Specials Weekend, starting tomorrow.

In December, we reported how the number of civilian officers in the county was 166 fewer than five years before, at 306.

The police authority can apply to the Home Office for permission to establish trial payment schemes if it believes a cash incentive would boost numbers.

Mr Denham said the cash would have to be found locally.

Other new initiatives include a web site promoting specials and offering details of support organisations, useful contacts and recruitment information.

It also has an employers' section, promoting the benefits to business of having specials in the workforce.

In addition, Sussex Police is to be sent a good practice guide to help with recruitment.

The Home Office has been trying to recruit specials for the past two years, funding an expensive publicity campaign in local newspapers and radio.

But numbers have slumped nationally and locally.

Mr Denham urged new volunteers to come forward to play a vital role in the fight against crime.