We are just four weeks into the New Year and already bad news is coming through for the luckless senior citizens of Brighton and Hove.

I think it is shocking of Roger French, managing director of Brighton and Hove Bus and Coach Company, to put up fares by 10 per cent for early-morning pensioners, many of whom work voluntarily in hospitals to provide extra services for the patients.

Surely, if it is necessary to increase revenue, the flat fare should rise to £1.10, exact fare to be tendered.

Mark my words, dear pensioner, in March 2003 you will be receiving an increased council tax bill, which will include an increase of at least 15 per cent for the elusive Sussex Police.

It is well known senior citizens cause the police less aggro than any other section of the population yet we still have to pay for all the lawlessness that goes on.

As the pension schemes in this country are in such disarray, I advise that once you reach the age of 59 years and 11 months, it is best to give up living.

Have a nice day.

-Roy V Hilliard, Old Shoreham Road, Hove