There is no shortage of first person shoot-'em-ups (FPS) for the PlayStation 2 but THQ's Red Faction II is not typical of the genre.

The game builds on the success of last year's original, which enabled players to demolish anything and everything on their way to success.

Geo-Mod technology means gamers can manipulate the game environment in real time, blasting through walls or, at the very least, putting a few dents and dings in them.

The sci-fi story behind the game is not very engaging given gamers have played the elite group of soldiers versus evil dictator scenario too many times before.

However, the gaming environments "feel" right and the gameplay more than makes up for any Bmovie plot lines. There is much more action than in the original game and the action doesn't stop until the end (if you make it).

There are new characters to discover and a mix of old and new weapons to employ, good use of vehicles and players will find themselves in tanks and airships when they're not running around.

The graphics are more polished than the original and manage to keep up with the Geo-Mod's rough and ready landscaping.

But the soundtrack, apart from some of the character banter, is a bit generic.

Red Faction II is far from explosive but, if you enjoy blowing things up, it could fire your interest.

Price: £39.99.

Feel good factor: 7 out of 10.