The word culture in the Oxford dictionary relates to a higher development, either intellectually or relating to mind or manners.

It is wonderful in one sense to know Brighton and Hove is hoping to raise its profile in respect of the arts with film and theatrical production.

However, bearing in mind The Times' survey of the top 500 primary state schools in the UK, there was not one from the city. We can boast a growing drug culture, a heavy list of children at risk and serious rates of crime amongst the youth. It doesn't take a high development of anything to recognise the consequences of poor education and crime.

By ploughing serious money into primary state schools, reducing class sizes and addressing the need for more resources in the child and adolescent mental health areas, we could produce a city with a sound foundation. As it stands, maybe we need to be aware that before slapping on the greasepaint and turning on the glitz, children must be the number-one priority, otherwise we could have our very own Greek tragedy.

-Jacqueline Madders, Orchard Gardens, Hove