All front-line police in Sussex are to be issued with body armour.

The move drew criticism from one constable who said: "We're turning into Robocops."

But most officers were in favour of the move.

One said: "It's a sad fact that our job is more violent now. We need to be protected."

There has been no significant increase in assaults on officers but criminals today are more likely to carry weapons, often knives.

Assistant Chief Constable Nigel Yeo said: "The decision has been taken to help officers feel safer. They will work with other protection, such as Captor spray, to keep down the level of attacks.

"The armour offers a significant contribution to overall safety and it is not a substitute for the other protection officers have at their disposal."

One police officer, who did not want to be named, said: "We are now so far from the image of the traditional bobby. We have on our belts, and in full view of the public, a baton, Captor spray, handcuffs and now stab-proof vests.

"We look more like Robocops than Dixon Of Dock Green."

But PC Malcolm Wauchope, who is based in Brighton, said: "As a front-line officer and someone who is regularly confronted by some of the city's more volatile residents and visitors, I welcome the news."

Officers will not be forced to wear the armour but Mr Wauchope, writing in the force magazine Patrol, said he would like to see it compulsory.

He said: "If an officer was attacked and injured after choosing not to wear the protection provided, they would be the first to join the ever-growing compensation culture and sue the force.

"I welcome the fact my personal safety is being looked out for. It's a sad fact our job is more violent now. We need to be protected."

Some officers already have and wear armour, especially in city and town centres and at weekends, but the vests will now be issued to all police who walk the streets.

Chief Constable Ken Jones said the decision was made after months of discussion but it would take up to 18 months to issue all front-line officers with armour. The delay was because other forces were also placing orders.