Court staff have apologised after flying the Union Flag upside-down on Armistice Day.

Everyone stood in silence for two minutes at Hove Crown Court yesterday as a remark of respect to the nation's fallen heroes.

However, nobody realised the flag above the court building was upside down.

It had been put up by security staff who had forgotten that the broad white strip should always be at the top.

The flag should also have been taken down yesterday but was still flying over the building this morning.

When The Argus pointed out the mistake, court manager Pam Jones immediately apologised.

She said: "We had not realised that the flag was upside down.

"This is a Government building and so we regard this as a serious mistake. The flag should also have been taken down yesterday.

"No disrespect was intended and we would like to apologise to anyone who may have been offended. The silence was observed by everyone inside the building."