Edward Fox is a fantastic actor and he is surrounded by other fantastic actors in an absolutely fantastic play.

Over the top? I don't think so. I have seen The Winslow Boy many times and it has always gripped me.

Terence Rattigan, who spent his last years living in Brighton, was one of our great playwrights and The Winslow Boy is one of his best plays.

Beautifully crafted, funny, sad and full of dramatic tension, it also contains some of the best language ever heard on stage.

Fox is Arthur Winslow, an honourable Edwardian father determined to defend his son against accusations of theft of a postal order.

So determined is Arthur, he risks his home, health, money and family by taking the case to trial.

Fox inhabits the role in the way in which he inhabited the role of the tormented Edward VIII in Edward And Mrs Simpson.

With a natural arthritic walk, he becomes the character of this mild-mannered man who risks all to save his son's honour.

With Fox is Simon Ward, impeccable as the famous barrister who takes on the case.

Polly Adams as Mrs Winslow and Lucy Akhust as sister Kate, who loses a possible marriage during the case.

Daniel Sharman is spot-on casting as the boy Ronnie but the whole cast oozes talent to make this a very special evening at the theatre.

For tickets, call 01273 328488.