Margaret Atkinson (Letters, September 5) says Brighton and Hove was once the Queen of Watering Places but is now a slut.

Anyone or anything which grows old needs extra care, love and attention and so does Brighton and Hove. She is now the Granny of Watering Places and has been sadly used and neglected for many years.

It would be wise for those who live off her and have her welfare to consider to remember, just because Granny is old, she does not have to be dirty and smelly and she still has her pride.

We, her descendants, who have lived with her since we were born, and the new people to whom she has opened her heart and arms, should be able to trust her carers, whom we pay annually with our taxes to do the job properly.

She is still a lovely, beautiful and vibrant entity who will give you everything she has.

Clear and clean her streets of the human debris and waste and let some fresh sea air blow through to make the ozone famous again.

-Mrs P Bolingbroke, Larkhill, Hove