Residents who adopt the "medieval" practice of throwing rubbish out of their window on to the streets below could face prosecution.

A string of incidences have been reported in Brighton and Hove, in which residents have been seen throwing rubbish from high-rise homes.

In one case a councillor witnessed a bag of rubbish landing at his feet as he delivered leaflets and visited constituents.

Paul Elgood, leader of the Liberal Democrats on Brighton and Hove Council, said he was astounded to see someone come to the window of their third-floor flat in the Brunswick area of Hove and drop a bag 25 feet to the ground.

He said: "It was like going back to medieval times when rubbish and slops were just thrown into the street. The bag hit the ground and split open emptying the foul contents across the pavement.

"It was a heavy bag and could have seriously injured someone. Residents had reported the problem to me. I didn't believe this was happening until I saw it with my own eyes."

Coun Elgood has contacted council officers and wants offenders prosecuted.

John Chapman, 70, a retired brewery worker of Brunswick Road, Hove, who has spent 20 years living in the area said: "People are often throwing their rubbish out of windows around here.

"It was a beautiful road but some people don't seem to care any more."

A spokesman for Brighton and Hove Council said: "This is highly irresponsible and dangerous. We urge people to put their rubbish out in bins for collection in the normal way."