Personal fitness trainer David Hall is bringing a calming touch to hectic workplaces as he introduces tai chi to busy employees.

David, with 11 years' experience in the health and fitness industry, is taking the most gentle of the martial arts to local businesses to exercise and stimulate staff and reduce stress and fatigue.

Tai chi is a series of slow moving exercises. It is practiced by thousands of people in Hong Kong and China to promote good health, a calm mind and a flexible body.

David said: "Visiting clients at work has come about because many of the people I teach found they could not get to my classes because of the long hours they work.

"If I visit them, it makes it much easier for them to fit it into their day. The classes I take range from early in the morning, to lunchtime, or straight after work.

"I first took up tai chi seven years ago as an alternative to the more physical martial arts which I had taught for more than ten years.

"Tai chi is a lifestyle as well as a form of exercise. It is an holistic approach to exercising the whole body and destressing the mind. All sorts of people enjoy it, there is no age limit.

"It is a gentle form of exercise that puts you in a good state of mind and improves posture."

Lime, the Brighton-based creative agency, was one of the first to sign up and after an initial series of six lessons staff have botes to contiues with the classes.

Lime spokeswoman Lisa Gendall said: "Our group is growing in popularity weekly, we began practicing in the office, but have moved to the park to give us more space. It is a great way to start the day, the exercises help to concentrate the mind and reduce stress."

David can be contacted on 07754 028947.