I do so agree with Jamie Normington, head of sales and marketing at the Worthing Theatres (Letters, August 6) as to the excellence of the If it's on... weekly entertainments guide.

While Brighton and Hove may be the place to be for the 18-30 age group, it has very little to offer those of a more mature taste.

Information regarding shows, dances and other entertainment on offer in areas such as Worthing, Eastbourne and Lewes is therefore studied with great enthusiasm by those of us wishing for something a little more classy than that on offer in Brighton and Hove.

It assists greatly in the support of such recreations that is so necessary

to ensure their survival, as stressed by Mr Normington.

To all events organisers, both those with regular events and those with the occasional "do", please ensure you contact The Argus with the details well in advance of the date. There is no charge and such information should pay dividends in ensuring good attendance.

-Mrs E Young, Ladies Mile Road, Patcham