I would like to congratulate the dustmen, sorry, refuse collectors or whatever they like to be called now, for a right royal cock up.

On Tuesday, July 23, I had a card through my door saying, as of Monday 29, my collection day would be Monday so out it went early Monday morning: Not a collection truck in sight all day.

On Tuesday morning, I awoke to the joy of seeing my rubbish bags had been ripped apart by the foxes. There I was on crutches, as I'm disabled, trying to pick up all the rubbish and rebag it before it was blown all over the street and before it would get covered in flies.

On Tuesday afternoon, I telephoned and a very nice lady told me she was very sorry and a truck would be up straight away to clear the street. It came on Wednesday morning.

Monday morning, August 5: My husband put the rubbish out again before he went to work. Monday night, the wildlife did its damage again.

On Tuesday, there I was, again with a very bad back, trying to clear up the rubbish - and again on Wednesday.

On Thursday, they decided to collect the rubbish and I had to go out again and clear up the mess the wildlife had left behind overnight and the mess the dustmen made.

This changeover was meant to improve the collections. God help us if they decide to go part time. There was nothing wrong with the round we had in the first place so why change it for this load of old rubbish?

-Debby Thornton, Meadowview, Brighton