So Hove MP Ivor Caplin is now the official film censor of Brighton and Hove, is he? Does he also tour the libraries burning the books he dislikes?

For some people, "Ein Volk! Ein Reich! Ein Euro!" is a fair reflection on how the European Union is unfolding.

Ironically, on the same day that Mr Caplin was busy with his scissors (July 16), The Argus was reporting that Steven Thoburn, the "metric martyr", had lost his appeal to allow him to challenge the supremacy of European law over British law.

This banning of free speech and crushing of diversity, with the imposition of diktat over parliamentary democracy, hardly bodes well for the future of the EU.

Unfortunately, we will never have an intelligent debate about our position within Europe because the only alternative to ever-deeper involvement is for us to leave altogether and this is not an option this government will ever allow us to take.

So what are we left with other than to trivialise the frippery? Sieg Heil!

-S R Watson, Elm Drive, Hove