The article "Sewage plant is back on agenda" (July 19) merely confirms what we have suspected since the Countryside Agency announced the boundary for the proposed South Downs National Park would be moved to the north side of the A259 and the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) status revoked, thus leaving the Telscombe Cliffs beach a sitting duck for Southern Water to come back with yet another redevelopment plan.

The Campaign for Residents Against Portobello is lobbying local councillors and our MP to ask them to seek the restoration of this vulnerable piece of land within the park boundary or, at the very least, for its AONB status to be retained.

We urge concerned local residents to join us in writing to their local authority representative and demanding continued protection for the cliff top and foreshore.

We can assure local residents that if Southern Water submits a further planning application for the Portobello site, we will fight it as vigorously as we fought the last one and will continue to press for the existing Portobello treatment works to be de-commissioned and the beach restored to its natural beauty for the benefit of generations to come.

-Don Burrell, Chairman, Campaign for Residents Against Portobello