Gay television presenter Guy Newson is leaving Brighton, he tells us, because of a homophobic attack he encountered in an internet cafe (July 8).

Mr Newson was attacked for intervening in a domestic disagreement between a female and her boyfriend.

Perhaps this helps get the message over to gay men that straights and gays evidently do not mix as well as everyone wants to believe.

Straight violence belongs with straights. Rather than playing the role of hero without wanting to get the girl, call the police instead.

Give the police the chance to be the heroes - after all, they have taken £1.3 million of public money to fund the Anti-Victimisation Unit in Brighton and Hove to do just that.

A phone call would have saved Mr Newson the nevertheless unjustifiable beating from the girl's boyfriend.

-The Male Alliance, Men Against Emasculation, Upper Richmond Road, Putney