How very refreshing to see Trevor Pateman (Letters, June 20) saying those things every motorist knows but has hitherto been frightened to say.

If you require further proof, go to France. There, you will see how easily they cope with a bigger car-owning population than here.

I would add only one thing. As everyone can see, the basic cause of traffic congestion in central Brighton is delivery vans and lorries and the huge mass of unregulated and uncoordinated buses that clog North Street and the Clock Tower all day.

Both diseases are well within the power of Brighton and Hove City Council to cure.

As Mr Pateman points out, we have an anti-motorist council that is not interested in solving problems but simply in making money from them.

No wonder Brighton and Hove is losing shoppers to Worthing, Tunbridge Wells and Eastbourne.

Motorists and their families form the majority of the citizens.

It is high time they got together and put pressure on the council to abandon its discriminatory policy and come to grips with the 21st Century.

-Brian Robson, Woodlands, Hove