Sussex explorer Pom Oliver, who missed out on a unique polar triumph because of frostbite, returned home with her colleagues today.

Pom, 50, from Billingshurst, should have gone into the record books with Ann Daniels and Caroline Hamilton, who last week became the first women to walk to both North and South Poles.

But during the hazardous trek to the North Pole, Pom was struck down by severe frostbite and had to be airlifted out of the region.

She was forced to keep track of the other women's progress while recovering at a base camp in Northern Canada.

After arriving home at Heathrow, Pom helped drape a Union flag around the shoulders of Ann and Caroline.

She said: "Of course I'm still dreadfully upset, but I am so very pleased for Ann and Caroline. My feet are much better now, but they looked pretty horrific at one time."

Pom was due to travel home to Billingshurst later today with her husband Kent Walwin, who works in the film industry. He welcomed her at the airport with a kiss and a hug.

Pom said: "What am I looking for the most when I get home? I think it just has to be a warm bath."