Tesco has been given the go-ahead to build a store in the heart of Hove.

Councillors gave permission in principle for the detailed design after previously granting outline consent.

The store in Church Road, Hove, will be fronted mainly by white cladding and glass.

It will have a large corner feature which resembles an entrance in Church Road - but the real entrance will be down a side street to fit in with the internal design.

Controversial issues such as demolishing a flint wall were decided at the outline stage but there were still objections to the detail.

Liberal Democrat councillor Jenny Barnard-Langston said: "It is not a sensitive design for a conservation area and it will be a loss to Hove's heritage."

Selma Montford, chairwoman of the Conservation Areas Advisory Group, said: "It is brash and crude.

"The pretend entrance is designed to attract car-borne shoppers rather than pedestrians."

But Tory councillor David Bennett said the new store was long overdue.

He said: "Most people in Hove will welcome it."

Conservative councillor Carol Theobald said: "It is rather a modern building and bit disappointing."

Morris Abrahams, of the Vallance Residents'

Association, complained local people had not been given enough time to express their reservations.

But Peter Edwards, for Tesco, said the design was modern to reflect the wishes of most store customers.

He said it was essential to get planning permission quickly so the scheme, which involves building a new St Andrew's School, could progress as quickly as possible.

Mr Edwards said the entrance was well placed near a pedestrian link to George Street.

He added research showed people liked light, airy-looking stores with plenty of recyclable material used in their construction.

Unusually, a car park could not be placed in front of the store because of the constricted nature of the site. It is planned for the rear of the building.

The design had been modified to fit in with the neighbourhood, including the nearby church.

Voting at the Brighton and Hove City Council planning meeting after an hour-long debate was 10-1 in favour.