I had a similar experience to R E Ings (Letters, May 30).

Three weeks ago, in one of the larger stores in London Road, Brighton, I handed over a £20 note for a £6 purchase and was given change for £10.

I challenged the assistant, who opened the till and said all the £10 and £20 were in the appropriate places, that she had rung up £10 and that is what I had given her.

At the time of serving me, she was having a conversation with a colleague and was paying little attention to me, the customer.

The manager was called, who took my name and phone number and said someone from the shop would phone me when the till had been checked after closing time.

The phone call came. The till was correct and I, a pensioner, was £10 short.

I leave it to you to guess what happened to my £10.

-Mrs V Osborne, Rushlake Close, Coldean