Do you understand health and safety legislation?

Can you create your own accident report forms and ensure they include all necessary information?

Do you have a risk assessment procedure?

If your answer to of these questions "no", you may need copy of Plan ITs Health and Safety Professional Edition 3.

Designed to provide both information and assistance, it is industry-standard software package required to implement a comprehensive and workable health and safety plan for any professional company.

The software ensures you are aware of when your policy needs updating, when to conduct risk assessment reviews and when deadlines for corrective actions have been missed.

Updated safety policy forms and a health and safety help guide in the package simplify the process of creating a policy. The package itself can be kept up-todate using internet links to the Plan IT web site for additional help.

Any business that doesnt want to spend thousands employing specialist consultants should regard it as an absolute must.

Price: £42.54.

Feel good factor: 9 out of 10.