Letters in The Argus from campaigners for and against Brighton's West Pier restoration plans overlook restoration of the pier jetty has not been included.

Yet a pier is a structure out into the sea for a landing stage connecting coastal communities by sea. A pier without a jetty is uneconomical.

Modern prototype ferry craft (not hovercraft) are evolving from cold war Russian-designed fast craft for sinking surface warships.

These seacraft can take heavy payloads and save fuel and time in all weathers by flying a few metres above the waves at hundreds of kilometres an hour - say Brighton to Dover or Southampton in 10-15 minutes.

Half a century ago, a paddle steamer from the West Pier to the Isle of Wight - at a fare of 12/6 (62.5p) - took the same time as by road today. During the Queen's Coronation, the massive aircraft carrier HMS Indefatigable anchored off the West Pier and Liberty boats disembarked visitors, crew and stores.

Today, massive cruise liners disembark thousands of sightseers. Suppose the pier had an international concert hall, even a stadium? Whew!

The redevelopment of the King Alfred sports complex ought to consider adding a jetty too.

-John Stanaway, Lorna Road, Hove