I agree with Ben Lilly (Letters, May 1) about the new traffic wardens in Hove.

Recently, they have taken to coming around Brunswick Square at 10.30 in the evening and as early as 7.30 in the morning, when they do indeed have rich pickings from the residents.

I recently found a ticket on my car on a Sunday morning which had been put there at 7.45. It does seem they are interested only in raising money when they resort to such tactics. Of course, my car and all the others ticketed that day were causing no trouble whatsoever to anyone and would anyway have been moved within a few hours.

In addition, we know Brighton and Hove City Council has agreed some of the double yellow lines at the top of Brunswick Square are not needed and will soon be replaced with single yellow lines.

As I look out of my window while writing, I can see six double-parked builders' vans, four vans and lorries on the double yellow lines and a builders van and an Italian-plated car in residents' parking spaces. There is not a warden in sight when it actually matters, both for safety and to allow the residents a chance to park in a bay (for which we have paid £80). But you can be certain they will be round this evening when it's all quietened down and, I presume, they hope everyone is in bed.

The wardens could also usefully spend some time on the Western Road clearing it of the illegally-parked cars, vans and lorries which hold up the buses so much, but they are very rarely seen there.

Finally, why does no one enforce the ban on cars on the Western Road between Waitrose and Churchill Square? This is completely ignored and, if enforced, would make the road a much more pleasant place to walk along.

-Vincent Mee, Brunswick Square, Hove