Pop Idol's Mr Nasty Simon Cowell has backed out as the star guest at a village event near his mother's home.

Simon, who became infamous for his comments to would-be pop stars on the ITV show, has asked his mother Julie to appear instead.

He had promised to open a fete at St Margaret's Church in Rottingdean next Monday but a change in filming commitments means the Pop Idol judge has excused himself, as he will be in the United States.

His mother Julie will perform the honours instead at 11am.

The fete is part of the Rottingdean Renaissance Weekend which includes a variety of events over four days.

Simon, 42, frequently visits his mother, who lives in nearby Ovingdean.

He was asked to open the fair by the Reverend Martin Morgan, vicar of St Margaret's, who is a close friend of Simon's and his mother.

Mr Morgan said: "Simon was very apologetic about not being able to make it. He phoned me up immediately when he discovered filming commitments clashed.

"There were a lot of people wanting to see Simon but I am sure his lovely mother will be an excellent substitute."

The programme of events from Friday to next Monday has been put together by Rottingdean Trade and Business Professional Association.

Last year's Renaissance Weekend was held to show the village was back in business after part of the High Street was closed for two months to lay a gas main.

This year's event will include an early celebration of the Queen's Jubilee.

Events being organised are a family fun evening along High Street on Friday. The road will be closed from 6pm to 9.30pm and shops and businesses will stay open late.

It will be followed by a firework display at about 9.15pm on the seafront.

There will be a table top sale in High Street on Saturday from 11am to 3pm and an antique fair in the village hall.

A race night is being organised in the hall during the evening.

Sunday is family sports day. This will include a cricket and croquet match, bowls open day, and a conducted walk through the village.

A tug-of-war competition involving drinkers from four of the village pubs will be held.

Monday will be children's day when youngsters participate in a parade.

This will be followed by a fete in the church grounds.

There will be a Fifties fancy dress dance for adults in the village hall from 8pm to 11.30pm on Monday, with music from old-fashioned rock band Rocking 'n'Rhythm.