Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's classic The Red Shoes, this is a powerful fusion of dance, theatre and spoken word for ages nine and over.

Set in the war-torn Balkans, Red Red Shoes tells the amazingly poignant and topical story of Franvera - a girl who lives only to dance.

When her parents give her a pair of red shoes, she becomes lost in a world of movement.

As Franvera spins and whirls, she becomes oblivious to the growing turmoil in her country but the sharp pain of war soon snaps her attention back to reality.

Her best friend is forbidden to talk to her, neighbour turns on neighbour as the community is ravaged by the horrors of ethnic cleansing and, worst of all, Franvera is tricked into betraying her own father.

To avoid being consumed by anger, the young girl dances to break the circle of hate but her struggle is immense and the results ultimately tragic.

Created by The Unicorn, one of the country's leading children's theatre company, Red Red Shoes is a bleak, beautiful and engrossing show which challenges children rather than patronises them.

Although aimed at children, this show will inspire audiences of any age.

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