I marched with two other local councillors, Francis Tonks and Joyce Edmond-Smith, from Palmeira Square to the seafront and along towards the Palace Pier.

There were about 500 men, women and children, the majority of whom had their origins in the Middle East.

I was moved by a young mother thanking me for my support.

This very small act of solidarity by those who marched on Saturday brought home to me the real issues and human cost of complacency.

I have felt powerless as the horror of the Israel and Palestine events unfold. I had hoped the Government would take a stand with other European countries in condemning the Israeli action. But no, instead, it stands in the shadow of the US.

It is so easy to read between the silent spaces the Government has left in its passive and "careful" standing back from condemning how the government of Israel has treated the people of Palestine.

My reading is the Government cares more about keeping the US as a friend no matter what than remembering the core values of fair and just treatment of all human beings.

I recall a Spanish saying: "Show me who your friends are and I will show you who you are."

-Coun Susan Joy, Regency ward, Brighton