When will the media tell the truth about the Middle East?

All we see is criticism of Israel, a tiny country the size of two English counties, surrounded by 22 Muslim countries with 500 million Arabs.

Thousands of Palestinians work in Israel. Women have their babies in the same hospitals as Israeli women, with the most modern equipment and the best doctors and nurses in the world.

They also send their children to hospital for life-saving operations.

What other country would pay the widow of a suicide bomber social security just because she is an Israeli citizen?

Israel was a desert and, over the years, has been made to bloom.

I can't see the Palestinians having done this without the finance of the rich Arab countries who were reluctant to get involved.

Palestinians hate Christians, whom they call "unbelievers", and they hate Jews because Jesus was a Jew and the founder of Christianity. So let us hear the truth a bit more.

-Ann Mills, Upper Drive, Hove