Paul Seymour ate almost all the pies on the day he opened a traditional East End-style pie and mash shop on the Palace Pier.

The businessman scoffed five on the first day of trading and said he intended to keep up his level of consumption all summer.

Mr Seymour, 31, said: "It's the best advert there is when you eat your own stuff."

The traditional pies and mash are supplied by Goddards of Greenwich, original home of the favourite cockney meal.

Mr Seymour said: "All the pies are hand-made using traditional secret recipes. Goddards has been going since 1890 - its pies are the best."

Mr Seymour opened the shop to provide a traditional alternative to the fish and chips and burgers on offer.

He said: "I thought to myself, what am I going to do this summer?

"I thought Brighton pier - why not go there? It's friendly, there's sunshine and lots of people.

"Then I went into Goddards and thought it would be a good idea to bring their pies to Brighton."