The grandmother of stabbing victim Danny Collard has lost her fight for life.

Sarah Parker collapsed with breathing problems after hearing the news that 20-year-old Danny had died from a knife wound to his heart.

Devastated Ann Collard must now arrange a double funeral for her son and her mother.

Mrs Parker, 77, was given the last rites by a priest at the weekend after being put on a life support machine at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton. She died yesterday of multiple organ failure with Danny's mother at her bedside.

Mrs Collard, 48, said: "All her organs just gave up. I am extremely sad and heartbroken.

"Losing my mother and son in a matter of days is just too much to bear. It has turned my life upside down.

"It was the shock of Danny's death that did this. He was the apple of her eye.

"We will have a double funeral because I do not think I could go through it twice.

"If I could have chosen a mum, I would have chosen her. She was my rock. She would have been able to help me through my grief. I just feel so numb."

Danny died at the Royal Sussex on March 22 after an incident in Southdown Avenue. He was on his way home after drinking with friends at the Hare and Hounds pub in Preston Circus.

More than 250 people attended a candlelit vigil in his memory at the weekend at the spot where he fell.

Mrs Collard, whose father died in 1983 aged 52, said her mother had lived with her, bank worker Danny and his autistic brother Joe at their home in Lower Bevendean Avenue, Brighton.

She told The Argus last week that as well as doting on Danny, Mrs Parker had helped care for Joe, 16.

Speaking before her mother's death, Mrs Collard said: "It was as if Danny had two mothers. She was devastated by his death."

Joe is being cared for in a home until the family comes to terms with the double tragedy.

Mrs Collard thanked everyone for their support. She said: "I cannot get over the kindness. It has been overwhelming and is very comforting."

Two men appeared at Brighton Magistrates Court on Saturday in connection with Danny's death.

Unemployed Derry Davis, 20, of Hillside, Moulsecoomb, Brighton, was charged with murder, causing grievous bodily harm with intent and affray. He was remanded in custody. Unemployed Lee Smith, 32, of Woodleigh Road, Bardley Barton, Devon, was charged with affray. He was released on conditional bail.

Both will appear at Lewes Crown Court on April 9.