Brighton and Hove Parents and Children Group has received £1,000 from American Express to buy a laptop.

The money was donated in response to the group's computer appeal for the socially excluded.

The laptop will be one of five available for use by children and adults visiting the Unwaged Advice and Rights Centre in Crestway Parade, Brighton.

It will also be loaned free to selected families to use in their own homes.

Chairwoman Shanti Haft said the computers would make a significant difference to people with restricted access to information technology.

She said: "Most people take computers for granted yet those who live on benefits are unable to afford them.

"There is a massive gap between the haves and have-nots."

Some people could afford only older, slower machines, which took ages to download information from the internet and incurred massive phone bills.

Facilities in libraries and colleges were often unavailable to single parents who lacked help with childcare.£